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Ultra-high sample throughput system that delivers speed, scale and reproducibility with unyielding data quality.
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Pioneering solutions that inspire life-changing research and revolutionize the industry.
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SCIEX mass spectrometers are designed to help you break new ground by pushing the limits of speed and sensitivity in quantitative and qualitative analyses.
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SCIEX mass spec and capillary electrophoresis solutions are designed by scientists with your applications in mind. From routine testing to the most complex analytical experiments, we constantly innovate to enable you to transform your workflows.
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Tanya Gamble is a Product Manager for the Nominal Mass High-End Platforms here at SCIEX. She is responsible for working with customers, market managers, and the research development teams to define, develop, and release exciting new products to address the needs of our customers.
Tom Covey is a Principal Research Scientist here at SCIEX. Most recently Tom has been involved in the Generation Quant videos leading up to ASMS.
Ashley Sage is the Senior Manager for Global Portfolio & Technology Strategic Marketing at SCIEX. He is responsible for looking after the strategic marketing campaigns for the product and technology portfolio. Most recently, Ashley was involved in the Generation Quant videos and campaign. In his free time, Ashley enjoys golfing and spending time with his family.
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